Karoline GeorgesDe la quête du sublime au temps de la virtualité

Karoline GeorgesDe la quête du sublime au temps de la virtualité

This booklet was published by EXPRESSION, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, for the exhibition Karoline Georges. De la quête du sublime au temps de la virtualité, presented at EXPRESSION from May 21 to August 7, 2016.

Born in 1970, Karoline Georges has published several literary works, including La Mue de l’hermaphrodite (Leméac / Editions ère, Paris), Ataraxie (L’Effet pourpre), Sous béton (Alto) and Variations endogènes (Alto). The quest for the sublime guides her interdisciplinary research, which takes on many forms, from video and 3D modelling to virtual photography. Her works have been presented throughout Canada, in Europe and the Americas, notably at the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, the International Biennal of Contemporary Art of Cartagena, the Vancouver Visible Verse Festival, ORANGE, Contemporary Art Event of Saint-Hyacinthe, la Biennale internationale des potes en Val-de-Marne, the Mois de la Poésie at La Bande Vidéo and Festival Voix d’Amériques. She received the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec’s Prix à la création artistique en Montérégie in 2012.

Karoline Georges
EXPRESSION, Centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe
ISBN 978-2-922326-94-9