Manon Labrecque L’origine d’un mouvement

Manon Labrecque L’origine d’un mouvement

This booklet was published by EXPRESSION, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, for the exhibition Manon Labrecque. L’origine d’un mouvement, curated by Nicole Gingras and presented at EXPRESSION from August 27 to October 23, 2016.

Manon Labrecque (Montreal) is a multidisciplinary artist who has been creating videos (single-channel and installations), performances, photographs, as well as sound and kinetic installations since 1991. Her works are shown in Canada and abroad. In 2013, she was honoured with the Louis-Comtois Award, for her whole body of work.

Manon Labrecque
EXPRESSION, Centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe
ISBN 978-2-922326-95-6