Evelyne Boulva and André-Louis ParéDominique Gaucher

Evelyne Boulva and André-Louis ParéDominique Gaucher

This richly illustrated book explores the recent path of Quebec painter Dominique Gaucher since the 2000s up to his most recent work. From the more intimate to the most monumental, Gaucher’s work will interest everyone. The texts of André-Louis Paré (art critic, curator and professor of philosophy, also director and editor of the journal Espace) and Eveline Boulva (visual artist) along with an interview with the artist, also offer more detailed views of the reproduced works.

Coedited by Plein sud.

Consult the exhibition archives.

Evelyne Boulva and André-Louis Paré
Saint-Hyacinthe and Longueuil, EXPRESSION, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe and PLEIN SUD édition
ISBN 978-2-922256-62-8
144 p., color ill., hardcover
29,3 x 25,4 cm
English and French
Price : 40$ | Member price : 28$