Danielle Lord and Richard SimasGuy Laramée. La grande nostalgie

Danielle Lord and Richard SimasGuy Laramée. La grande nostalgie

La Grande Nostalgie was published in the wake of the exhibition Accrocher les roches aux nuages, presented at EXPRESSION, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, from June 2 to August 12, 2012 and curated by Danielle Lord. This book takes a broader look at Guy Laramée’s work, which spans three decades.

La Grande Nostalgie allows us to grasp the coherence of Guy Laramée’s work, this quest - spiritual? - that lies outside the field of knowledge, the testimony of an artist who seeks to transcend the absurdity of life, who knows how to ask himself fundamental questions, and then throw them back at us, the viewers. Laramée’s work is an echo of human solitude in the face of nature’s immensity, of feeling rather than reason. His works invite contemplation and spirituality. The text by Richard Simas tells the story of this artist’s 30 years of creation, and explains, among other things, why he moved from the performing arts to the visual arts. Danielle Lord’s text gives us a better understanding of the artist’s approach, his questioning and his influences, based on the works that mark out his career.

Consult the exhibition archives.

Danielle Lord and Richard Simas
Saint-Hyacinthe, EXPRESSION, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe
ISBN 978-2-922326-83-3
88 p., color ill., softcover
17,2 x 25,5 cm
English and French
Price : 25$ | Member price : 17,50$